Here’s a shortlist of papers that left an impression on me at UIST 2023. There were many good talks which I haven’t included, I don’t have time to write down the full program! (BTW, most of the videos I’ve included here are 30 seconds, so quite skimmable)

Overall I really enjoyed the sessions on LLMs and on programming tools. It was neat to see a bunch of thoughtful approaches to designing UIs around LLMs—the demos here were better than in most AI-centric crowds, perhaps unsurprisingly. Was also great to see some more classical work around end-user programming interfaces and software composition.

Spellburst: node-based exploratory creative coding with LLMs

An LLM-powered creative coding environment by Tyler Angert (replit) and collaborators at Stanford. Some beautiful ideas on how to branch out and explore alternatives on a spatial canvas while collaborating with an LLM that can generate alternatives. Lots of possible ideas here for exploring code generation spaces in parallel.

Mirrorverse: Live Tailoring of Video Conferencing Interfaces

Very compelling demo from Clemens Klokmose’s group at Aarhus: malleable software for videoconference meetings. Lots of use cases I want for myself. I haven’t looked too much into the mechanisms they use to achieve the demos yet.

Lorgnette: Malleable Code Projections

Work from Camille Gobert and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. In a nutshell: what if the VSCode colorpicker was more extensible? If you could pick your favorite colorpicker, and attach it to a color anywhere in any code? Building on ideas from Hazel Livelits but trying to generalize to support any language. They mentioned Potluck, which shares the idea of using text patterns to address meaningful entities. (This direction of “live literal editors” could be an extension to the Potluck pattern of searches, we don’t have anything quite like that)

Lorgnette: Creating Malleable Code Projections | Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology